It should be taken into account that the use of cookies on users’ terminal equipment has relevant implications in relation to data protection. And it is that, through the use of cookies, entities obtain data related to users that can subsequently be used. That is why the need to inform the user of the use of cookies is determined so that they know the data processing carried out. JOANA SERRET RYAN must carry out an exhaustive analysis of the Cookies that, through its website, can be installed on users’ computer devices. Once the purpose of these is known, JOANA SERRET RYAN must comply with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), the regulations on data protection and with the recommendations that the Spanish Data Protection Agency has published in its Guide on the use of Cookies. It is necessary to determine that cookies used for the following purposes are exempted from this policy:
- Allow only communication between the user’s equipment and the network.
- Strictly provide a service expressly requested by the user. It is important to say that JOANA SERRET RYAN may use devices for storing and retrieving data on recipients’ terminal equipment, provided that they have given their consent after being provided with clear and complete information about their use. The information relating to cookies must be displayed following these requirements:
- The information or communication must be concise, transparent and intelligible.
- Clear and simple language must be used, avoiding the use of phrases that induce confusion or detract from the clarity of the message.
- The information must be easily accessible. The use of privacy notices by levels is recommended, that is, that they contain the information in layers, so that the user is allowed to go to those aspects of the notice that are of greater interest to him, thus avoiding information fatigue, and this without prejudice to the totality of the information being available in a single place or in a complete document that can be easily accessed if the interested party wishes to consult it in its entirety. JOANA SERRET RYAN will periodically review the possible changes that could occur in the management and use of cookies in order to update the information shown to users regarding cookies.